Encuentros Indígenas
AR Filters
Na wa Sísik ta techtechnís
[Hummingbirds flying]
by Cease Wyss

You can post photos and share the AR artworks on social media using the hashtag #EncuentrosIndígenasIM4
AR Artwork Statement:
The inspiration for this concept came from a story that was shared with me by my late partner, Xuuyaah- Terrance Richard Baker. He shared a story of the Haida people venturing out to the big ocean, centuries ago. The Haida were lost when they landed on the Hawaiian shores, so they stayed for a time. When they started for home, a bouquet of Hummingbirds swarmed the canoes and led the Haida home. There have been no hummingbirds in Hawaii since this time.
Artist Bio:
T'uy't'tanat - Cease Wyss Skwxwu7mesh/Sto:Lo/Irish
T'uy't'tanat - Cease is an interdisciplinary artist who works with new media, performance and interdisciplinary arts and is a community engaged and public artist. Her works range over 29 years and have always focussed on sustainability, permaculture techniques, Coast Salish Cultural elements and have included themes of ethnobotany, Salish weaving and digital media technology. Cease has been focussing on connecting to her Polynesian roots through weaving and digital media projects and has recently been given opportunities for collaborating with Indigenous peoples from throughout Oceania, specifically Polynesian peoples.
AR Collaborators:
Created in collaboration with Jolene Andrew, Anne Saint Louis, Moni Garr, Tim Rolls & Mike Peredo