Encuentros Indígenas

Casa Canada Oaxaca AR Filters Explore the latest IM4 Lab AR experiences AR FAQ Workshops Highlights Podcast IM4 The Matriarchs Partners and Sponsors Donate Contact Workshops Highlights Podcast [...]

IM4 Inspires

IM4’s initiatives inspire me to continue my career in the tech industry. The team is extremely supportive and encouraging of all participants. IM4 has built a much needed community and safe space [...]

It’s the immersion of storytelling.

What I enjoyed most while attending the IM4 Workshops… was the mix of tech savvy professional creatives, the learning labs and environment. The mix of content and applications. Also, the [...]

AR FAQ Spanish

ENGLISH SPANISH AR FAQ ¿Qué es la realidad aumentada (RA)? ¿Qué es la realidad aumentada (RA)? La realidad aumentada, comúnmente abreviada como “AR”, es una versión mejorada de la [...]

IM4 AR Avatar Prototyping Workshop

In this workshop, AR Instructor Michael Running Wolf taught students registered in the EAGLES program ran through the ECU Aboriginal Gathering Place. The course included an intro to AR concepts, [...]